About why we use cookies

Nearly every website on the internet utilizes cookies for various purposes, typically to enhance website functionality or improve its performance. Elec Training website is no exception, as we employ cookies to track website traffic, facilitate the operation of our shopping cart, and support some social media features. A cookie is a small file that is stored on your device when you visit a website.

Elec Training Cookies are used to:
  • Ensure our website functions as you anticipate.
  • Enhance the speed and security of our website.
  • Enable you to share pages with social networks such as Facebook.
  • Continuously enhance our website.
  • Enhance our marketing efforts.
We do not use cookies to:
  • Gather personal information, except when reserving a course or making an inquiry.
  • Acquire sensitive information about you without your explicit consent.
  • Transmit personally identifiable data to external parties.
  • Provide sales commissions.

You can learn more about all the cookies we use below

Granting us permission to use cookies

Your web browser offers settings that permit you to accept cookies, which can be configured to different levels. We presume that if your browser settings enable cookie usage, you are consenting to the cookies available on our website.

You have the option to modify your browser settings to reject cookies entirely, and in all likelihood, you’ll discover that most parts of our website function without issues. Nevertheless, specific features like videos, social bookmarking, and the booking form may experience some impact.

More on Elec Training Cookies

Website Function Cookies

Our own cookies

We use cookies to make our website work including:

  • Retaining your search preferences.
  • Granting you the ability to include comments on our website.

The only means of avoiding the establishment of these cookies is to refrain from using our site.

Cookies for Social Media Sharing

To facilitate effortless “Liking” or sharing of our content on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, we’ve incorporated sharing buttons on our website.

These cookies are established by:

  • ShareThis: Offers a convenient assortment of sharing buttons.

The privacy implications of these cookies will differ among social networks and hinge on the privacy settings you’ve configured on those networks.

Anonymous Visitor Statistics Cookies

We utilize cookies to gather visitor statistics, such as the number of website visitors, the technology they employ (e.g., Mac or Windows, which aids in identifying when our site doesn’t perform optimally for specific technologies), the duration of their visits, and the pages they view. This information assists us in the ongoing enhancement of our website. These analytics programs, commonly known as “analytics,” also provide us with insights, on an anonymous basis, into how individuals arrived at our site (e.g., through a search engine) and whether they have previously visited, enabling us to allocate more resources to the development of our services for you rather than spending on marketing.

We use:

Remarketing Cookies

You might have observed that, on occasion, you encounter a surge in advertisements from a website you recently visited. This phenomenon occurs because advertisers, including us, invest in these advertisements. The technology that enables this is powered by cookies, and during your visit, we may set what’s referred to as a “remarketing cookie.” We utilize these advertisements to present special offers and incentives aimed at encouraging you to revisit our site. Rest assured, we cannot actively initiate contact with you, as the entire process is fully anonymous. If you wish, you have the option to opt out of these cookies at any time.

Turning Cookies Off

You can typically disable cookies by modifying your browser settings to prevent cookie acceptance. However, please be aware that doing so is likely to reduce the functionality of not only our website but also a significant portion of websites worldwide, as cookies are a fundamental component of most modern websites.

If your concerns regarding cookies are related to what’s commonly referred to as “spyware,” you may find that anti-spyware software can achieve the same outcome by automatically removing cookies that are deemed intrusive, instead of manually disabling cookies in your browser.

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